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Little Mermaid Game Play on Gamekex
In the "Little Mermaid Endless Runner," players take on the role of the iconic Little Mermaid, navigating through the vast ocean in a perpetual run while gathering precious pearls.
About Little Mermaid Game Play on Gamekex

In the “Little Mermaid Endless Runner,” players take on the role of the iconic Little Mermaid, navigating through the vast ocean in a perpetual run while gathering precious pearls. As you progress, the challenge intensifies with escalating ocean currents, requiring adept maneuvering to evade obstacles like rocks, jellyfish, and sharks. The goal is to amass as many pearls as possible, but be prepared—the longer you swim, the swifter the currents, heightening the difficulty level and testing your skills in avoiding obstacles.


Desktop Use the left click button to jump. Mobile Tap on the screen to jump. Controls and indicators Upper left side of the screen has the pause button The scores and levels are shown in the upper middle of the screen.